Legacy and Upgraded
Business Center
and API Service Feature Comparison

This table lists common recurring billing key features and compares the legacy Recurring Billing service using the SCMP and Simple Order APIs to the upgraded Recurring Billing service and Token Management Service (TMS) that use the REST API and the Business Center.
API Service Feature Comparison
Legacy Recurring Billing
Upgraded Recurring Billing
Email notifications.
Set up notifications in the Business Center.
Notifications are sent automatically to the email address associated with the customer token. They contain information from the plan and subscription details for a prepayment, successful payment, or failed payment.
Merchant-initiated transactions.
Optional data storage.
Other data storage where data is encrypted or not encrypted.
Not possible.
Visa Bill Payment Program.
Set the SCMP API field
, or the Simple Order API field
Set the REST API field
processingInformation. authorizationOptions. billPayment
Replacement expiration dates.
Contact customer support to enable your account.
Not possible.
Customer subscription sharing.
Contact customer support to enable your account.
Not possible.
Account Updater.
Integrated with Recurring Billing to keep card data current through SCMP API or Simple Order API batch uploads and automatic updates.
Integrated with Recurring Billing to keep card data current through REST API batch uploads and automatic updates.